||    regulations    ||

   i : Age Limit Compliance

Players must be 18 years or older to participate in mature threads. This rule ensures that all roleplay involving mature themes remains legal and ethically responsible.

  • Proof of age may be requested to participate in mature threads.

  • Any players found to be underage will be promptly removed from mature content discussions, and threads.

   ii : Mature Content Designation

All roleplay threads that involve mature threads must be created and remain within the designated 'Mature Area'. This maintains a clear boundary and allows players to choose their level of exposure to mature content.

  • Mature threads will be clearly marked and kept separate from other roleplay activities.

  • Any spillage of mature content into general areas will be addressed and rectified immediately.

   iii : Respectful Shipping

All romantic or intimate developements between characters, known as 'shipping', will proceed only when both players give consent. This ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved in the storyline.

  • Shipping should be preceded by a candid discussion about boundaries and expectations.

  • Consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time, necessitating a respectful and prompt adjustment to the roleplay.

   iv : No Character Neglect

Each character deserves their moment in the spotlight. As such, deliberate neglect or exclusion of players and their characters is not acceptable. Should be given the opportunity to contribute meaningfully.

  • Efforts should be made to integrate all characters into the storyline dynamically.

  • If a player feels sidelined, the issue should be raised and resolved in a manner that promotes inclusivity.

   v : Erotic Roleplay (ER) Preferences

All participants must clearly communicate their comfort levels with erotic content, whether their prefer 'fade-to-black' or more detailed descriptions. This ensures that ER is handled in a way that respects personal boundaries.

  • Preferences for handling ER should be stated clearly before the roleplay begins.

  • Any discomfort during ER should lead to an immediate pause and discussion to reassess boundaries.

   vi : Character Autonomy

Players have full control over their characters' actions. No one should dictate or manipulate another player's character without their express permission, as this is crucial for maintaining individual agency and enjoyment.

  • Always request consent before involving another palyer's character in significant plot actions.

  • Respect for character autonomy is essential for collaborative storytelling and player satisfaction.

   vii : Consistent Storytelling

The roleplay narrative should remain consistent and true to the established world and backstory. Any major changes to the plot should be discussed and agreed upon by all players involved.

  • Major plots twists or world alterations should be collaborative and not unilateral decisions.

  • Consistency helps maintain immersion and a shared vision among players.

   viii : OOC Respect & Communication

Maintaining a respectful and clear distinction between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) interactions is important. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and ensures that player interactions remain positive and supportive.

  • Use designative spaces or markers to distinguish OOC communication.

  • Address any OOC issues directly and respectfully with the involved parties.

   ix : Activity Transparency

Players should communicate about their expected activity levels and notify the group of any extended absences. This transparency helps manage the roleplay's pacing and ensures consideration for everyone's time and contributions.

  • Inform the group of expected periods of inactivity in advance.

  • If possible, wrap up any pressing plot points involving your character before an absence.

   x : No Power-Playing

Players should avoid creating omnipotent or "all-knowing" characters. Power-playing undermines the cooperative nature of roleplaying and can lead to an unbalanced and less enjoyable experience.

  • Characters should have realistic abilities and limitations within the context of the roleplay world.

  • Conflicts should be resolved with fairness and consideration for the story and other chracters.